Online Giving

Online Giving

Thank you for supporting Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries in the US and internationally. Your financial support and generosity, has planted seeds that enable us to provide the Good News of Jesus Christ in the US and abroad. When you give, you may designate your giving in several ways by indicating your preference on a giving envelope, or selecting from the online form.

Tithe: (Malachi 3:10)

We know that everything we have belongs to God and we worship Him by giving back at least 10% of everything he gives us as a first fruit offering. We know He will continue to sustain us and provide for us.

Offering: (Exodus 35:5)

Besides our basic tithe, we give offerings from our blessings to support the work of God’s Kingdom in the earth including the church (Nehemiah 12:23-24) and other initiatives. We know that those who give receive more, and stingy people suffer from lack. (Proverbs 11:24-24Luke 6:38)

Expand 2020: (Proverbs 29:18)

“Without a vision, people perish.” Our vision for 2020 and beyond is to expand the Kingdom of God and its message in our communities and around the world. Our vision for 2020 includes a new building where we can increase attendance and offer Community Christian Theatre and Performing Arts, Religious and Life Skills classes, Community Support and much more.

Missions and Outreach

Evangelism: (Mark 16:15) While the Good News is free to everyone, resources are necessary to get that Good News to the people. Evangelism is the spreading of God’s Kingdom message at home and abroad. Over 1,400 people have been saved through our Evangelism efforts between September 2018 and September 2019. With your help, these numbers will multiply in 2020 and beyond.

Bibles: (Psalm 119:11) Often, people around the world do not have ready access to Bibles like we do in the US. Our Bibles program gets the Bible into the hands of Believers who do not have one. We provided over 300 Bibles to Pakistan during 2019.

Slave Redemption: (Luke 4:18) In 2019, we began to collect and designate funds to deliver slaves in Pakistan. Without our help, many Christian families will continue to endure the hardships of slavery. With your help they don’t have to.

Orphans and Widows: (James 1:27) The Bible tells us that real religion helps the widows and orphans in their distress. Your giving in this area helps us to provide food and education to those in need.

Benevolence: (Psalm 68:5) Benevolence is a carefully stewarded resource given during extreme hardship when people need food, heat, medical care, etc. We have a stringent process that people must meet before we provide aid. We believe it is our responsibility to manage carefully the resources God places in our hands and make sure they are going for righteous purposes.

Economic Development: (2 Thessalonians 3:10) Fish Farms, Honey Bees, Pigs and more. These are ways that we help churches in developing countries develop businesses to provide income to their people. While food and clothing are great for short-term needs, business skills allow people to take pride in providing for themselves, and simultaneously releases us up to help others in need. 

Internet & Media: (Colossians 4:5) To ignore the Internet and Media in our time would be foolish. Gifts given in this area help provide equipment and services needed to get the Word out using modern methods.

Special Projects: Giving in this area funds short-term projects that arise from time-to-time. One such project allowed us to help a Pakistani Pastor and his family get out from under their oppressive Muslim landlord and find a new home with a loving Christian landlord.

Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God’s work through Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries.

Ways to Give!
  1. We offer safe and secure Online Giving!
  2. You can give in our regular offering times during service or give directly to one of our leaders.
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