


Allegiant Church has partnered with local community assistance programs to assist our community with food distribution and education.


Allegiant Church works with pastors and ministries in Kenya, Africa, Pakistan, India and Israel. We have done live broadcast into remote areas to spread the gospel. Our partnership has also led to many individuals being freed from brick kilns. Through generous donations, Allegiant Church has been able to send Bibles and other needed supplies.

Christmas Blessings

Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries has several avenues to give to those in need this year. Please pray for and consider giving a year-end gift to one or more of our important and life changing funds. 

Give securely online through our Kingdom Giving page. You can give to a specific fund by selecting “Missions & Outreach” and then selecting the appropriate fund. 

If you need any assistance, please email us at Giving@AllegiantMinistries.com and we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for joining us as we demonstrate God’s love and expand His Kingdom around the world!