Enjoy our library of Sunday Messages, Special Services, and much more!
“God’s Man”
Enjoy our 2021 Christmas Production “God’s Man”. Bob desires to be God’s Man at Christmas time, but when God knocks, will he open the door?
Hanukkah – Dress Rehearsal for End Times – Wk 2
Pastor Rodney continues with the history of Hanukkah.
Hanukkah – Dress Rehearsal for End Times
Pastor Rodney teaches us the history of Hanukkah.
Rediscovering the Winter Holidays
Pastor Rodney takes a look at Advent and Hanukkah.
Thanksgiving – Key to a Better Life (Part 2)
This week we reviewed the second half of the Blessing Blockers. Be sure to review all to make sure you are not blocking blessings in your life. Blessing Blockers:1. Entitlement2. Wrong Focus3. Amnesia4. Fear5. Competition6. Self-Focus7. Ungratefulness
Thanksgiving – Key to a Better Life
“No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” Saint Ambrose How much gratitude do you have in your life? Take the questionnaire with Pastor Rodney and then review three of seven Blessing Blockers.
International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians
In remembrance of International Day of Prayer For Persecuted Christians, we take a look at the life of Stephen in the book of Acts. Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries works with ministry leaders and sends our support to Kenya, Africa, Pakistan, India and Israel. Find out more on our Missions Page.
The PromisedLand Quartet
The PromisedLand Quartet blessed us with a wonderful concert! Learn more about The PromisedLand Quartet at their website And follow them on Facebook at
Standing Against the Darkness
Pastor Rodney speaks about the strategies of the enemy. The top 2 are: Deception and Temptation. Satan could not curse Adam and Eve. He could only get them to disobey. And he did that through deceiving them and tempting them.
The Truth About Grace
Pastor Rodney references C. S. Lewis’ “Mere Christianity” to speak to us about Grace. “Thus in one sense, the road back to God is a road of moral effort, of trying harder and harder. But in another sense it is not trying that is ever going to bring us home. All this trying leads up to the vital moment at which you turn to God and say, ’You must do this I can’t.’” C. S. Lewis
The Divine Power of Grace
Deborah Gray speaks about sin and the control it has on our lives.
How to Reopen the Ancient Wells
Pastor Rodney continues our series “Reopen the Ancient Wells”. Steps to How to Reopen Well: Meet with God. Ruminate Reconnect with Covenant Act