Enjoy our library of Sunday Messages, Special Services, and much more!
The War for the Souls of Men (Part 1)
We find ourselves living in a time when Spiritual Contrasts could not be greater. Sin and Darkness unthinkable to the darkest recesses of the Babylon, Greece, or Rome has been made possible in our generation.
Anointed For A Purpose
If there’s a therefore, there must be a before, so we can know what it’s there for Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. Have we been justified by our faith? How have we done with the pressing?
Engage – Boldy Lead
Romans 12 leads us to many valuable self-reflective questions. How am I becoming more like Jesus? How do I model Christ to others? How much of what I do has eternal value? How do I serve? “Discipleship is not in the hearing; it is in the doing.”
My Sound is Unmistakable
“I am the Shofar” Pastor Rodney explains what it means to be a Shofar and how our sound is unmistakable.
Reopen the Ancient Wells
In Genesis 26:18, Isaac dug again the ancient wells. Pastor Rodney speaks how America and even many in the church are in the same precarious situation that Judah was millennia ago. We must:•Come alive by God’s Spirit and be the mighty army of God•Be the Shofar giving sound to the breath of God•Be the Almond Rod – Leading others to awaken to the call of God to Arise!
The Almond Rod
We take a look at Jeremiah 1:10-12 as Pastor Rodney teaches that as the Almond Rod, we have the authority not just to Uproot, Break Down, Destroy and Overthrow, but also to Build and Plant.
The Prophetic Shofar
As we prepared for Yom Kippur, Pastor Rodney addresses the prescriptions of Yom Kippur, that we are a nation in trouble and what the Shofar is to us as Watchman.
Prophesy To The Bones. Prophesy To The Spirit.
Pastor Rodney speaks to us from Ezekiel 37:1-14 to Prophesy to the bones and Prophesy to spirit. We look at the current time with the Jewish New Year and the Days of Awe. As we prepare our hearts for a special time of prayer this weekend for the national event “The Return”. You can find more information concerning “The Return” at our event page and at
Commissioning Service
New season calls for a new name! We are excited about the amazing things God is doing in our church. As we move into our next chapter, we have selected a name that fits this season. Beginning September 13, 2020 Destiny Outreach has become Allegiant Church & Creative Ministries! This new name will encompass all we feel God is calling us to do in today’s culture. We would like to thank the many guests that join us for our special…
CultureQuake Week 2
Are we focused on Culture or Kingdom? Will we hear God in the drought, or will it take the fire. Pastor Rodney continues his message from 1 Kings.
Are we focused on Culture or Kingdom? Will we hear God in the drought, or will it take the fire. Pastor Rodney teaches from 1 Kings where Elijah deals with the prophets of Baal.
Lost And Found
Pastor Rodney teaches about Jesus’ Parables about lost things. The lost sheep, coin and son.