Messages by Pastor Rodney Hall (Page 11)
Senior Pastor
If You Say So
Sometimes the things God asks us to do, don’t make sense. We have to get past our mindsets of how God speaks and moves. We must be willing to say, “If You Say So.”
Baptized into Christ
Pastor Rodney spoke of the meaning and importance of baptism.
Be Prepared
We take a look at Luke 21 and learn how we can Be Prepared for things to come.
It’s Time to Renew (Part 6)
We conclude our series “It’s Time to Renew” as we looked at the “Ten Laws of Success”.
It’s Time to Renew (Part 5)
We continue our review of the “Ten Laws of Success.” Pastor Rodney also speaks about current events. You can watch that full Wednesday evening discussion here.
It’s Time to Renew (Part 4)
We continue our review of the “Ten Laws of Success.”
Making Love Work
In our Valentine’s Day sermon, Pastor Rodney shares that it takes REAL work in Making Love Work. He left us with a challenge.
It’s Time To Renew (Part 3)
Pastor Rodney continues our discussion of the Ten Laws of Success as we take this Time to Renew at the beginning of the year.
It’s Time To Renew (Part 2)
After a special time of healing prayer, Pastor Rodney reviews the Ten Laws of Success.
It’s Time To Renew (Part 1)
Pastor Rodney begins our sermon series “It’s Time to Renew” and goes over the first five of the “Ten Laws of Success”.
New Year 2022 – Week 2
As we prepare for our next sermon series, Time to Renew in 2022, we look at where God is working in our lives and what we need to do to be ready.
New Year 2022
2022 is a time to renew! Pastor Rodney gives us direction and vision for 2022. Our verse for the year is: And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. Revelation 12:11 NASB2020