Messages by Pastor Rodney Hall (Page 3)

Messages by Pastor Rodney Hall (Page 3)

Senior Pastor

Overcoming Deception

As we learn how to be vigilant, we specifically look how we overcome deception in our lives. For more information visit: 45 Communist Goals

The Necessity of Vigilance

We begin looking at deception and how we can easily be deceived. And we see how deception has affected our nation. It is necessary we are vigilant! For more information visit: 45 Communist Goals

Reflections of Liberty

Pastor Rodney spoke about famous men in our history that fought for freedom. We looked at what our freedom means to us as we prepare for Independence Day.

Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

Pastor Rodney began his series of “Finding Peace in a Chaotic World.” We are in a time of A Divine Invitation to the Church to join God in what He is doing. Our job is to focus on what God is doing, not the devil.

Memorial Day 2024

We looked at what in our lives we would die for as we remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. We remember them this Memorial Day.

Wheat and Weeds

Pastor Rodney spoke about the 4 types of soil in the parable he spoke of in Sower and the Seed. We then looked at the parable of the Wheat and Weeds.