Messages on Faith (Page 6)
Resurrection Service
Pastor Rodney spoke about Why the Resurrection Matters.
Deborah Gray spoke from Luke 10:2 and the workers of the harvest.
Positioned in Christ – Part 1
Pastor Rodney taught from Ephesians 1:3-14 as we began to look at who we are in Christ.
Holy Anticipation
Pastor Rodney brings us a Christmas message of Holy Anticipation.
Being Thankful in ALL Circumstances
Linda Honeycutt gives us a special Thanksgiving message about “Being Thankful in ALL Circumstances.”
Rosh Hashanah 2022
We celebrate Rosh Hashanah.
Pressing Through Faith
Pastor Karyl Gaehring joins the Praise Team during Praise and Worship. Dr. Paul speaks to us about “Pressing Through Faith”.