Messages on Spiritual Growth (Page 9)

Messages on Spiritual Growth (Page 9)

Why We Fast

Join us sundown Sunday January 3 to sundown Sunday January 24 for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Pastor Rodney speaks about Why We Fast and the different types of Fasting. 2021 Prayer and Fasting Guide Download our Prayer and Fasting Guide here.

Gifts From Wise Men

Pastor Rodney begins the series of Gifts From Wise Men focusing on the anticipation of Jesus’ arrival and prioritizing our time with God.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Studies show that people who are Grateful feel better about their lives as a whole! Pastor Rodney goes over the many benefits of having gratitude in our lives.

The War for the Souls of Men (Part 1)

We find ourselves living in a time when Spiritual Contrasts could not be greater. Sin and Darkness unthinkable to the darkest recesses of the Babylon, Greece, or Rome has been made possible in our generation.

Anointed For A Purpose

If there’s a therefore, there must be a before, so we can know what it’s there for Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness. Have we been justified by our faith? How have we done with the pressing?

Engage – Boldy Lead

Romans 12 leads us to many valuable self-reflective questions. How am I becoming more like Jesus? How do I model Christ to others? How much of what I do has eternal value? How do I serve? “Discipleship is not in the hearing; it is in the doing.”